Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

It’s A Youmacon World Afterall

I think I really need to become more flexible in my thinking sometimes. After all hope of going to Youmacon seemed lost in the gusts of a hurricane, work, and money, it turns out that I will be able to attend! In my despair, I had already canceled my room reservation, but once it became apparent that I could go on Saturday and Sunday, I was lucky enough to get a room in the hotel across the street from the Renaissance Center.

Going two days also saved me a great deal of money and untangled some issues at work. Yay! I’ve gotten so used to going 3 or 4 days, that the compromise of 2 days just wasn’t even on the radar screen. And it gives me some more time with my awesome wife who made it back safely from Philadelphia! Of course that meant that I had to finish my Sailor Mars cosplay, which I have just done by completing the tiara! It’s not perfect, but I’m happy enough with it that I may enter the Hall Cosplay competition if everything times out right. Otherwise I’m just going to enjoy the heck out of showing it off and being thankful that God even cares about this part of my life.