Games and Sports

Game Girls Are Too Perfect

Perfection is a funny thing. We all seem so enamored of it, and many persue it their whole lives. But honestly, is it all that great? I get the daily GameSpy newsletter via email and right now they’re running an ad for the Girls of Gaming. As one might guess, it’s a publication containing the typical busty chicks that inhabit video games. And, of course, these babes are perfect.

I’m sure these perfect females attract a lot of mostly male attention, but I’m finding that it is the little imperfections that add the spice of real human beauty. These game girls are nice to look at, but their general lack of blemish ultimately makes them kind of creepy. This calls into question the whole notion of perfection itself. An artist may add any number of what might be considered extraneous features to a work of art, but it would hardly be correct to call these imperfections. In the same way, the unique features of any human form can hardly be called mistakes either. These are part of what make us each unique works of art. Indeed, you might even call them signature elements of the artist.

So until our game machines have the horsepower to feature human models with the same kinds of signature features, game girls can’t hold a candle to the real thing. Give me that real girl and a freckle or three every time!